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税务、会计、 & 商业咨询服务的新费城…和超越

新费城是一个充满历史、乐趣和生活的城市. 它位于Tuscarawas河上,就在77号州际公路旁. 新费城成为一个主要的农业中心, coal mining, and then steel manufacturing after the Ohio-Erie Canal was built in the 1800s. Alvin V. Donahey was the 50th Governor of Ohio, and a native resident of 新费城. Rea & 联合律师事务所于1938年在新费城成立. Today, its home to both our corporate home office and an additional branch of Rea & Associates. Rea's 新费城 office is the largest of all the Ohio-based offices. It offers a complete range of financial and consulting services for individuals and businesses in the Tuscarawas Stark, Harrison, 哥伦比亚纳和杰斐逊县.
P.O. Box 1020

作为一个企业, 非营利性, 或新费城地区的政府机构, 你肯定会面临你的组织所特有的一系列挑战. Rea’s team of Cambridge business advisory professionals are well-versed when it comes to the dynamic obstacles you face and are committed to providing advanced solutions designed to maximize growth and sustainability while securing holistic financial wellness.


Business owners, nonprofit leaders, and government leaders throughout Central Ohio have trusted Rea & 与他们的会计有关, assurance, tax, and general business consulting and management advisory services for decades. 我们承诺.


当你和雷亚一起工作时, you’ll gain access to a team of seasoned business professionals – many of whom have been optimizing their skills in accounting, audit, tax, 以及数十年的具体咨询服务. Not only do the majority of our Marietta accounting professionals carry the CPA designation, many have earned a number of other professional credentials designed further demonstrate excellence in areas that will continue to drive growth throughout your organization.


作为一个企业, 非营利性, 或新费城地区的政府机构, 你肯定会面临你的组织所特有的一系列挑战. Rea’s team of Cambridge business advisory professionals are well-versed when it comes to the dynamic obstacles you face and are committed to providing advanced solutions designed to maximize growth and sustainability while securing holistic financial wellness.


Business owners, nonprofit leaders, and government leaders throughout Central Ohio have trusted Rea & 与他们的会计有关, assurance, tax, and general business consulting and management advisory services for decades. 我们承诺.


当你和雷亚一起工作时, you’ll gain access to a team of seasoned business professionals – many of whom have been optimizing their skills in accounting, audit, tax, 以及数十年的具体咨询服务. Not only do the majority of our Marietta accounting professionals carry the CPA designation, many have earned a number of other professional credentials designed further demonstrate excellence in areas that will continue to drive growth throughout your organization.

会计、税务、 & 保证服务

Rea的新费城团队将为您提供个性化的服务, while offering the same level of world-class service offered by larger accounting firms. Rea's CPA team and business consulting team bring the experience and reputation of over 350 service professionals across the firm, 使其成为真正的顶级咨询公司. We can help your business with everything from back-office accounting solutions to cybersecurity. 要了解有关我们如何帮助您的更多信息,请展开每个部分.

我们的专业会计团队是后台协助方面的专家. 我们会讲到工资管理, QuickBooks磋商, 以及财务报表的编制和评估. 我们还提供会计服务,可以改变你看待问题的方式, and monitor, 你公司的财务状况. If you feel that your current accounting or bookkeeping provider does not provide the information and guidance you require to make the right business decisions, 考虑改用Rea & Associates. 了解更多有关雷亚会计服务团队的信息.
Implementing a customized retirement plan and professional administration services can help ensure your company's success. 它还可以提高员工保留率,帮助你的企业脱颖而出. Rea & Associates' retirement plan services team is widely recognized as one of the top in the business. Rea's commitment to customer satisfaction has earned them the American Society of Pension Professionals & Actuaries Centre for Fiduciary Excellence (CEFEX ASPPA) Service Provider Excellence certificate. We offer professional plan design and supervision of ERISA and ERISA-related plans, 还有优秀的受托人. Interested? Learn more about how the retirement plan administration team can help you.
比以往任何时候都多, the federal, state, 地方当局正在规范人力资源职能. COVID的变化, 还有移民和员工平等问题, 是什么导致了制定这些规则的需要. It is possible that you are in grave trouble in the event that your HR functions aren't well-designed or have been relegated to the small or medium-sized business. It's not enough to avoid the consequences of not complying since you didn't know. 我们可以帮助你避免这样的问题! 雷亚的人力资源顾问拥有帮助企业的专业知识和经验, like yours, 遵守复杂的人力资源法规. Interested? 了解更多关于Rea的人力资源咨询部门的信息.
Rea & Associates' assurance and audit teams help you by using data-driven audits to help you make more informed business decisions, 提高组织的可信度, 增加问责, 并遵守任何可能影响您业务的法规要求. Our assurance experts and CPAs can streamline the audit process and provide important insights that will help you boost business growth and increase the effectiveness of your business. Interested? 了解更多关于审计团队的信息.
After building your business and putting in the effort to increase its value over time, 根据你期望的收入,你准备好退休了吗?  Rea & Associates has been working with local businesses for years to help business owners understand the true worth of their business, 鉴于目前的市场情况. Rea & Associates will help you design a plan that will maximize the worth of your business- so you can rest at ease. 了解更多关于估值和交易咨询团队的信息
Cybercriminals continue to fight local businesses as well as government agencies and other organizations- of any size. 如果这些问题没有得到及时解决, 他们可能会对你的生意造成重大损害, 甚至是你的生计. Rea & Associates' cybersecurity and data protection services team is dedicated to aiding entrepreneurs to get the resources they require to safeguard the sensitive data on their networks from cyber-attacks that could cause data breaches. 我们的网络安全专家提供各种服务, 包括政策撰写和数据管理, SOC咨询服务, as well as penetration and vulnerability testing and information detection, CMMC指南, and much more. 了解更多关于Rea网络安全团队的信息
States are increasing their vigilance over companies who owe sales and use taxes. Rea & Associates' team of state and local tax (SALT) experts are ready to assist you. SALT团队为企业提供一系列服务,包括, 销售和使用税务合规审查审查, 分配和分摊的评估和审查, 信贷激励机制, 激励服务, 自愿披露服务和许多其他服务. They also can help your business ensure it complies with tax laws and regulations that differ significantly from one state to the next. 了解更多关于SALT团队的信息.
Taxes shouldn't be something you must tackle only once in a calendar year, it should be a continuous strategy-driven process that is backed by the expertise of an accountant certified by the public accounting profession and a tax expert. The tax experts at Rea are highly regarded for their rigor as well as their technical expertise and customer service. 了解更多关于我们如何帮助您的企业进行联邦税务规划.
Rea & 合伙人是与技术行业合作的专家, 非营利组织生产, 政府及非牟利机构. 我们认识到每项业务都是独一无二的. That's why we work with professionals in the field who are certified and belong to professional associations. 我们让您随时了解贵公司面临的最新问题, 并提供创新的解决方案,确保您的长期成功. 了解更多关于我们服务的不同行业的信息.

Rea & Associates’ team of service specialists and industry experts have helped clients throughout eastern Ohio with their accounting, auditing, tax, 和企业管理挑战了几十年. 我们很乐意了解如何帮助您. 点击下面的“安全的赌博软件”按钮,让我们开始对话吧. Rea的评论 & Associates: 想知道我们的客户在说什么? Check out 我们最近的评论,当你在那里的时候,留下你自己的!

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